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The brains behind the operation, a wrapper around an event driven architecture which is fast, responsive and performant. Accepts the following props:


The ToastContainer component accepts the same parameters as the toast function, and additionally receives other global props (margin, limit and newestOnTop):

  • type: "default"|"success"|"warning"|"error"|"info"

    The type of the toast, it provides a visual cue as to the nature of the message.

  • theme: "filled"|"outlined"|"glass"

    The theme of the toast.

  • animation: "pop"|"fade"|"slide"

    The type of animation used to animate the toast in and out of the screen.

  • autoClose: false|number

    The period after which a toast should automatically close.

  • closeOnClick: boolean

    If true the toast is clickable anywhere on its surface, a click causes the toast to close.

  • limit: false|number

    The maximum amount of toasts displayed in a single position on the screen, when the limit is reached, the toasts are enqueued and shown when a free spot is available.

  • margin: "normal"|"dense"

    This controls the distance between the edge of the screen and the displayed toast.

  • newestOnTop: boolean

    Display the newest toasts on top.

  • pauseOnHover: boolean

    If true the user can pause the countdown of the autoClose period.

  • position: "top-left"|"top-center"|"top-right"|"bottom-left"|"bottom-center"|"bottom-right"

    THe toasts list position on the screen.

  • showCloseButton: boolean

    If true the close button will be visible, this works well with closeOnClick.

  • showIcon: boolean

    Each toast type, except default, has its own Icon, this flag controls whether it is visible or not.

  • role: string

    Defines the ARIA role for the toast

  • elevated: boolean

    If true, a shadow appears under the toast.

  • fullWidth: boolean

    Controls how the toast is displayed on the screen, if true top toasts will merge into one column and have the width of the screen, the bottom toasts will do the same. Suitable for small screens.